Ever wish you had better, more informed answers when people ask you about Islam..Especially the awkward ones that help draw insulting conclusions?
Do you wish you could do more to help end Islamophobia? This workshop will help you:
- Feel more confident talking about Islam.
- Have educated honest answers about the more awkward or controversial questions people have regarding Islam
- Help with appropriate peaceful dialogue with people who may say attacking or insulting things about our religion instead of becoming emotional and unable to communicate effectively.
As Muslims, we are exposed to people everyday at work, in the grocery store, at our children's schools and events who may not know much about our religion. Infact you may be the only Muslim exposure many of these people have. In this strongly Islamophobic climate, we often feel paranoid and judged.
Now is the time we need to be proactive. Instead of being polite and quiet and trying to hide from awkward questions, let's be ready with prepared answers! This workshop will help you communicate about your religion in an effective way. Instead of getting emotional and stumbling through with defensive answers, often not really knowing or understanding the answers yourself. The goal is to even feel comfortable bringing it up yourself. We should be proud and heard about our beautiful religion and be able to peacefully defend it and educate people who don't know about it.
Join us for this much needed Communication Skills Workshop!
This is a FREE Workshop. Refreshments will be provided.
For more information, contact Sara Safder at: (304) 617-2765